Finally Free

Fri, Aug 30, 2019

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For us, the meaning of independence is to own the right to grow better, having the ability to be truly present in every moment and live happily as our true self.

Finally Free

Our journey to freedom begins from relieving ourselves from fear. We reframe fear as an energy that needs to be addressed correctly.

We can’t drop fear from our life, but we can convert fear into a better outcome. The key to successfully transforming fear into a calmer state of mind is to accept and make peace with it.

Fear is a man’s best friend

Our simple approach to transform fear into a desired outcome is by using the thought of death. Whenever fear comes by, we asked our inner self, “What would I do if this was the last day of my life?”

“Remember frequently the thing that cuts off pleasures,” i.e. death. — Prophet Muhammad

Remembering death is the most important tool we’ve ever encountered to help us make the big choices in life, it’s a beautiful gift for a believer and very likely the single best invention of life.

This approach helps us tame daily fear. Fear of putting ourselves out there in public. Fear of failure. Fear of being judged. Fear of choosing the wrong path. Fear of not being good enough.

As we grow older, we gently learn to accept all kind of emotions and acceptance itself is the gateway to inner peace and freedom.

If we could make peace with fears, we’d be a better person.

“If you are truly at peace, you can do anything.” — Master Shifu

Once you open mind to accept and start accepting what you can’t change, you automatically relieve yourself of much stress, anxiety, and worry.

And for both of us, the ultimate purpose of being free is to living life in the light of unconditional happiness, by only place trust and reliance on Him, the merciful and compassionate.


How I’d love to be a child, with friends spread all around me
Playing games and running wild, with nothing more to do, than to
Watch the sun make light, and watch the moon take over
From the day into the night, what mighty peace I’d find

How I’d love to be a cloud, floating high above
All the people rushing round, with nothing more to do
And to make the rain come down, and watch the colors change
On the Earth to green from brown, what mighty peace I’d find

Yusuf/Cat Stevens

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